Sunday, October 19, 2008

Robe, South Australia

We are now on the South Australian coast, having driven the Great Ocean Road since we last posted a note. We spent a wonderful day in Melbourne, taking the train in from Upwey then back out to our car at the end of the day - road their tram, saw their Art Gallery and the new, ultra funky architecture of the Federation Square, had a Starbucks coffee, wandered through Chinatown and a pedestrian mall area, took a cruise on the Yarra River - busy, terrific day. We then drove south on the Mornington peninsula, stopping for dins then finally finding a cabin in a caravan park at 9 pm - the caravan parks (RV parks, usually with tenting spots) also have Jayco cabins available, with or without your own bedding. Cheaper than motels and with a kitchen. The next morning, we caught a ferry across the mouth of Port Phillip Bay (get your atlases out!) and started on the Great Ocean Road. Stayed at another caravan park, tenting this time, in Apollo Bay then, yesterday, stopped at 4 or 5 amazing natural limestone coastal features - the brillliant sunshine made it even more spectacular. Oh, before that, we drove to the Cape Otway lighthouse and, on the road in, stopped two or three times to watch koalas in the trees beside the road. they sleep most of the day but we did see a few moving around in the trees. Surprising that they don't fall out as they sleep! One baby was quite active, near but not touching his mom, trying to reach leaves to eat. He was soooo cute!!!!
After camping again last night, Shon went for a run this morning and got back just before it started to drizzle. Didn't last long but the day was dull until late morning - sure glad we were on the Great Ocean Road yesterday!!! the sun did come out and we saw lots of forest plantations in different stages of growth - read plaques about the fact SA started planting tree farms as early as 1870s - we are only a little slow in BC!!
Tomorrow, we plan to drive up the coast of SA, past the Coorong (a long inland salt water area with sand dunes separating it from the ocean) then skirt Adelaide to head north of the city to the Flinders Ranges. More on that later. No photos from this computer but we should have some good ones of koalas and scenery later from Adelaide.
Love to all,
Les and shon

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