Monday, October 20, 2008


I just love saying that name! It is a lovely town in the Barossa wine valley - we are just passing through on our way to the Flinders Ranges. We arrived here about 6 pm and Shon saw a lovely linear park across the street so decided to go for a run before wine/beer/dinner. I was planning a walk but the musk lorikeets and rosellas in the park distracted me and I ended up bird watching instead!
Once again, this computer in the caravan park has no ability to handle USB or SD cards so no photos. I sure wish I could include some as we have seen so many wonderful sights along the way. We drove up beside the Coorong - a long stretch of 'sea' divided from the Southern Ocean by sand dunes. It has always been a haven for birds but their population is plummeting as the water recedes due to drought and overuse further upstream along the Murray River (which empties into the ocean by the Coorong. Rasmus and Joan, did it always stink along the Coorong? I don't remember that but it is now VERY pungent driving beside it! Shon had to slam on the brakes to avoid a kangaroo which bounded across the road in front of us - just like the deer by our place, Kynnan! It was a very close call! We also saw a pelican nesting colony through binoculars as it is on an island in the Coorong - lots of the big birds there! On a walk through the scrub land (mallee scrub) by the Coorong, we saw a couple of lizards commonly called 'stumpies' here - a short stumpy tail. There are two varieties - the shingleback and another but I don't know which one we saw. Hopefully, got some good photos though.
We passed through some very flat, dry, brown land today along the west side of the Murray River - not as green as 2000. The Eden Valley area still looked beautiful with big river gums and green grass - I love it!!
Time to make some dinner for the runner,
Love to all,
Les and Shon

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