Monday, October 27, 2008


Wow, I just realized how long it has been since I added to this saga! My excuse is that we are much too busy to find time to write. Sorry! I am on a dial up computer right now so no photos this time either but, hopefully, within a day or two we will be able to add some photos.
Since I last wrote, we have driven from the Flinders Ranges (Wilpena) to Adelaide with an overnight stop in Port Pirie to see an ex-teaching colleague from my time in Adelaide. Carolyn is now a principal in Port Pirie, has married and has one grandson and another on the way - some similarities to my story since 2000. We had a wonderful, but too short, time catching up!

We arrived here in Adelaide on the 24th and have been staying with Anne, a retired nurse and part of our exchange teacher group as her sister was on exchange to Adelaide the same year as me. Pam, you have a most wonderful sister! She has spoiled us rotten during our time here. She needs to watch out or we may just forget to pack up and leave tomorrow! We have also spent time with Robyn (my sister's ex-nanny), her husband and 2 year old Mahalia - a darling character like her mum! Saturday, we went to a folk festival to listen to her husband perform with his song writing partner, jen. We joined them again for dinner at a restaurant then Andy and Jen sang another set - wish you had been with us, Lisa, as I know you would have enjoyed them and other performers there. Last night, we had dinner at Robyn's and got to know Andy better - nice man! Today, we finally saw downtown Adelaide and spent some time shopping at Rundle Mall, a pedestrian mall. We have 5 more days to see the rest of the sights around Adelaide - fairy penguins at Victor Harbour, museums, the Barossa wine valley, etc. We will move to 'my' old house tomorrow and stay with Deb and Greg, my exchangees, for the rest of our stay.

I can't believe our 6 weeks here is so close to ending. It has been wonderful - we have seen, tasted, felt and heard so much and most of it has been terrific! We will miss our wake up calls by the birds and driving on the other side of the road and roundabouts and Aussie lingo and accents and ....... but we will be happy to see family and friends again, too.
Hugs to you all, Les and Shon

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