Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Adelaide, part 2

Hi again,
We are still at Deb and Greg's and will be here until we fly out on Sunday morning. We would love to get emails from family letting us know how everyone is doing - how is school, Kynnan? Any work, Jen? When do you leave for Banff, Michelle? Are you going to be able to visit at the airport, Chris and Megan?
We went to Victor Harbour yesterday to see the little penguins arrive back home from their long day fishing. They are so cute - about 18" tall, blue backs and white fronts. It is fun to watch them hop up the rocks to their burrows.
Had a great walk this morning in Cobbler Creek gully - my favourite walking place when I lived here. Lots of colourful birds, too.
Must run - time to get ready to head downtown for museums and the zoo (perhaps). Some goons hurt a 78 year old flamingo at the zoo yesterday - the amazing part is the bird was so old!!!
Hugs to all,
Les and Shon

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