Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Soo

Shon by Ostafiew Farm Road in Winnipeg, the site of the Ostafew family farm up until 1933(note the older spelling of the family name; some branches of the family still spell it that way.
camping in Kenora

We rolled into The Soo (also known as Sault Ste. Marie) late this afternoon so will stay over and see the Bushplane museum and the Art Gallery tomorrow morning.  I just realized that I have not been on the blog since Winnipeg!  Seems like a long time - and many, many kilometres ago!!  We passed the half way point on the Trans Canada today but have put on more kilometres than the half way point says because we started by going north through Edmonton so have now put on well over 4000 km.  We have also passed the point where all waters flow into the Atlantic rather than Hudson Bay. 
Since leaving Winnipeg, we have spent nights in Kenora (a beautiful city - did a lovely morning bike ride there and had coffee in Ho Joe's, their equivalent to Vernon's Bean Scene), Kakabeka Falls Prov Park (beautiful) near Thunder Bay (enjoyed that city, too, especially their redeveloped area along the waterfront), and White Lake Prov Park ( mosquito land but pretty).  The scenery along Lake Superior has been beautiful, especially when the lake is in view - looks a lot like an ocean as it is the largest fresh water lake in the world.  We have enjoyed some beautiful picnic spots along the way!  Today we climbed down to some native pictographs along cliffs by the lake - done hundreds of years ago (but after white men arrived) by the Ojibwe - stunning scenery along there, too.  Finally saw a moose today after driving along so much perfect moose habitat - unfortunately, this one had met an untimely end and was being feasted upon by crows.  Saw a small black bear yesterday - alive and cute.
Kakabeka Falls,near Thunder Bay. The newer photos have not yet been downloaded and Walmart and McD's are closing now. Good night!

1 comment:

retired ramblers said...

Hi Les and Shon,
I must be in summer fun mode. I totally forgot about your blog until I was telling a friend about your wonderful trip across Canada. So here I am fessing up and enjoying your tales of exploration. I will now be in the loop and check regularly. All well here despite having no beach and a mess of logs to clean up everyday!

Enjoy your travels,Brenda