Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Toronto is hot and humid - thank goodness for air conditioning in cars and houses!!  And, no, we were not involved in the shootings here in Scarborough although they did take place about 2 km from our friends' place.  We did hear many, many sirens as we were going to bed that night.
Grundy Lake
We have been here since Sunday, visiting, doing laundry, swimming in their daughter's pool, cycling.  Yesterday, Shon and I went to the Royal Ontario Museum then Shon met his son, Chris, for swimming and dinner (although they ended up not swimming cuz no length swimming at that time).  I took the subway and Go train home.  The museum was very interesting but had WAY too much to see in one lifetime!  On the way into Toronto, we stopped at the McMichael Art Collection gallery, an incredibly beautiful stone and wood building on a wooded property, full of Group of Seven, Emily Carr, Inuit, and First Nations paintings and other art works.  Definitely worth a stop!  We didn't get to see the sculpture gardens because the skies opened in a torrential downpour just as we were leaving the gallery.  Another awesome stop was at Agawa Bay along Lake Superior to see pictographs on rock walls by the lakeshore.
Agawa Bay pictograph cliffs

The day before we arrived here, we stopped at Grundy Provincial Park for a walk around a lily filled lake then a swim in another lake in the park. Felt very good to jump in that lake after our hot - but lovely -walk.   Other stops in Ontario have been in Kenora (could have stayed there longer), Thunder Bay (bushplane museum was a fascinating place), the Terry Fox memorial just east of Thunder Bay, and the Big Chute Marine Railway.  This railway moves boats 17 metres up or down a drop in the Severn River.  The boat drives onto a railway-type flat deck, is strapped on, then the whole railway car moves on a track up or down to the other level.  Very cool!  They didn't build a lock there because then the invasive lamprey eel would get into the river system from the Great Lakes area.
The Big Chute Marine Railway

Not sure what is on our schedule today - Walt and Ingrid are doing daycare this week so the boys (7 and 10) have just arrived for the day.

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