Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ooops, meant to put the pics after the text.  New National Human Rights Museum, due to open in 2012, now set for 2015 and overbudget.  We had hoped to tour it but.....
You  may have to download this to read it but it is a list of how the First Nations used the various parts of the bison.

Jazz in Assiniboine Park
Leo Mol sculpture garden in Assiniboine Park setting for the jazz.

I thought I would post a quick update before we leave Winnipeg tomorrow. Don't know when we will have easy internet use after we leave my cousin's here.  We have had a good visit with them and have enjoyed the sights of Winnipeg with them - the Forks district yesterday (like Granville Island in Vancouver) complete with a boat ride on the Red and Assiniboine Rivers; a drive around the Exchange District (business core in the early 1900s with many beautiful buildings from that time); a drink in the venerable old Hotel Fort Garry; an evening walk along Sturgeon Creek trail near their place.  Today we spent time at Fort Whyte Alive, a nature centre with a bison paddock, marsh boardwalk, a prairie dog town, and forested trails.  We then went to a city park to listen to live jazz in a sculpture garden - a lovely way to spend an afternoon.  Bonus - very few mosquitoes!!!

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