Sunday, June 29, 2014

North Sea

Somewhere in the southern North Sea – June 19   
As Snoopy used to write “It was a dark and stormy night.”   The ship was rocking and rolling all night and this morning.  It is becoming a little calmer now so it is easier to walk the halls without stumbling.  Combined with a few drinks last night, some of our group were feeling a little queasy this morning while some of us were just fine.  I had taken some Gravol and was one of the lucky ones; Shon is feeling better now that he has had some lunch.  We will be at sea all of today and all of tomorrow before we arrive in Tallinn, Estonia. 

A little about our ship and its passengers.  We are a multi-linguistic, all ages bunch – just sat with a Dutch couple from Rotterdam for lunch.  The crew is also multi-national.  We have assigned seats in one of the two dining rooms for dinner but can choose to eat in the cafeteria instead if we wish.  There are 3 or 4 places where we can eat breakfast and lunch without assigned seating.  So far, the food has been good, but not spectacular.  Some items are excellent but some are mundane. The menu varies each day.  We have not tried the pool yet; did see one fellow in the hot tub this morning about 8:30 a.m. with a beer – in the rain with the rocking deck making the water splash out of the tub.  Tonight is one of the gala nights where we get dressed up in our formal clothes – we do not own really formal clothes but will get as dressed up as our wardrobes allow!  We may even take a photo and send it to you all!  Don’t hold your breath but we may pay our money for an hour of wifi here.  If not, you will be reading this just before we arrive home!
Gala night

MSC Opera

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