Friday, June 13, 2014



We are loving our visit to London – our feet are not so sure!    Weather has been good to us so far but this morning, we awoke to rain so it will be a soggy day.  So far, the highlight has been a live performance of the hit play, The Jersey Boys, the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons (you younger folk may have to google their music).  What energy and so many great songs!!! 
Cartwright Gardens.  Our studio hotel was located in this row of buildings.  Some of the row is private apartments; others are rental suites and small hotels.

We are very happy with our accommodation, close to the tube but a quiet, clean location with its own kitchenette for our breakfasts.  We travel mostly by underground (the Tube) – so easy to get anywhere.  Yesterday, we toured St. Paul’s Cathedral and climbed the 520 steps inside the dome to the top and wandered the streets of the City of London itself (not Westminster where all the famous places are located).  Much of the city was bombed in WWII so there are many new buildings with interesting architecture, mixed in with old (often restored) churches and small lanes. 
And old church with The Shard, London's tallest building, behind it.

Day 1 we went back to the British Museum to see galleries we hadn’t seen in 2003 – soooo much to see in that building!!  Also browsed antique market stalls in Covent Gardens and got lost walking near Trafalgar Square – so easy with 7 or 8 streets leaving the square to choose the wrong one.  No streets in London are on a grid so it is tough to ‘go around the block’.  Oh, well, when you get disoriented, you see places you might have missed.  We also listened in on a lunch time organ concert in a church – a good way to rest the weary feet!

Off to see the world – more another time!
Another time - we are now in Swindon at Shon's cousin's on June 13.  We are currently experiencing a thunderstorm at 10 at night. 
Back to London - we actually saw the queen as she was transported, in her ornate carriage with a large horse guard entourage, to open the session of parliament.   Even for us non-royal watchers, it was exciting!
Part of the procession and security for the Queen's trip from Buckingham Palace to the Parliament buildings

The Queen and Prince Phillip in their new carriage, a gift from Australia.

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