Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We have now crossed into New Brunswick and a new time zone.  Passed many cyclists today along Hwy 132 on the south coast of Gaspe - part of an annual Velo Quebec company's guided week long tour of, get this, 1600 cyclists!!!!  They ride anywhere from 600-900 km in the week according to one Vancouver participant who spoke to us at a rest stop.  Shon was envious of their holiday!

And now I shall try for the third time to add some recent photos.  I loved Quebec, particularly the Gaspe peninsula so hope we can share it with you visually.
At the top of the Mt. St. Albans lookout in Forillon National Park after an hour of uphill trails.  The banks of marine fog swirled below so sometimes we had a 360 degree view and minutes later we only had a 180 view.  Spectacular nonetheless!  This view is northeast to Cap Gaspe
manmade (beside) and natural (rock below) sculptures during evening walk on beach at Forillon along Gulf of St. Lawrence.

(photo of beach above)Looking northwest back to the lighthouse on Cap des Rosiers.  Our campground in forillon was on the green flats in the foreground. Taken with telephoto from the observation tower.
 (oops, missed the photo of the campground)
Our first glimpse of Perce Rock, the village of Perce and Ile Bonaventure in the background.

Perce Rock from our tour boat
Being up close and personal with this Northern Gannet colony on Ile Bonaventure is definitely a highlight of our trip so far.  It was amazing to watch life (and death) in the colony.  Only 40% of the young survive their first year of life.

And here is one young one who looks like he has a good chance at life.
Loved the blue eyes, creamy head, white body and black pin striping - quite a striking bird!

Tomorrow we shall head to Caraquet and the Acadian Village there for a look at life for the French speaking Acadians a couple of hundred years ago.  New Brunswick is our only truly bilingual province as most people switch easily from French to English on a daily basis. 


Vanderbecks of Vernon said...

Brings back great memories of the Gaspe! Make sure you have a daily dose of that NB ice cream. Some great bike trails there as well. Mike&Trish

retired ramblers said...

Loved the Gaspe as well. The Maritimes are so lovely. I can hardly wait to you explore Newfoundland! Weather here stellar. We are enjoying our Winnipeg friends' visit this week. Happy trails!