Saturday, August 11, 2012

Kouchibouguac National Park

I love being in national parks away from the roads and the cities!   When we were here in 2005, it rained.  The forecast was for rain all weekend now, too, but so far it has held off.  We went for a 20 km bike ride on the park's trails this morning, had showers and lunch then rode our bikes to Kelly's beach where there is a long boardwalk through the wetlands to the ocean beach.  Just lovely!!  Not warm enough to put on our suits and go for a swim; only kids in the water today. We picked some wild blueberries for our cereal tomorrow morning - wonderful little bursts of flavour.  Also caught a little talk by a naturalist about moon snails - interesting little creatures!   It is now very humid but a soft breeze is easing the effects of the humidity. 

Good news - ten days after losing the binoculars and shopping unsuccessfully for new ones, Shon remembered that his old binocs were under the seat in the truck.  Silly that neither of us thought of that earlier but it solves the problem of trying to share when we are birdwatching.
Trying to reach Kouchibouguac from Miramichi posed another problem yesterday as there had been a fatal car crash on the highway between the two locations.  We were re-routed 30 km south then north again to get around the accident scene, which was going to be closed for several hours. Unfortunately, the secondary road was very bumpy so the 60 km took us well over an hour to traverse.  Oh, well, the late dinner tasted extra good when we finally got set up and cooked it.
I think we will spend one more day in New Brunswick then cross over to PEI for two or three days before heading to Cape Breton Island in NS.  We will travel the Cabot Trail there before catching the ferry to Newfoundland on the 21st.

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