Wednesday, November 12, 2008

home again

We arrived home on Sunday night about midnight - sad that our vacation has ended but happy to see family and friends again. Jamie, Jenn and Colin, Chris and Megan all came out to the Vancouver airport to join us for dinner during our 3 hour layover. Lisa, Kynnan and Neko drove up to Vernon for lunch yesterday and Michelle popped in today - great to see them all again and share hugs in person! Shon reluctantly returned to work today and I am not eager for the first subbing call. We could get used to the life we have been living the last 7 weeks!!

The last few days of our holiday were as wonderful as the rest of it! When last I wrote, we were planning to buy fish for dinner. We ended up with marlin which Shon cooked in coconut milk. Very nice! Friday evening, the resort hosted a happy hour for guests with free beer or wine and appies - deep fried arrowroot (tapioca), prawns, and something similar to Yorkshire pudding with a sausage in the middle - all very tasty!

On the last morning, we drove into town to the Punanganui markets, a Saturday morning event that attracts locals and tourists alike. The marketplace consists of many colourful huts which open up to reveal booths full of brilliant tropical clothing, wooden carvings, shell crafts and jewellery as well as food and fresh produce stands. Live entertainment included an Island band and dancers - similar to the performance we had seen a few nights earlier. One of the photos above is from that evening performance when Shon, our intrepid leader, was called up on stage to dance. He was great and looked like he was having a lot of fun! (A couple of beer may have helped eliminate any stage fright!). The other photos show local flowers, the beach in front of our resort and the dancers at the market.
I will add one or two final posts from this holiday with a few photos which we wanted to add earlier but couldn't.

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