Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Avarua, Cook Islands

We are now enjoying the beautiful, but HUMID, Cook Islands. Got here on Sunday late aft and were met at the airport with leis and a ride to our resort. The island of Rotorua is 32 km around and we are about 17 km from the town of Avarua - took the bus in this morning to see the town. Yesterday, we snorkelled in front of our resort -lovely fish, sea stars and sea cucumbers galore. Lovely swimming, too. In the aft, we walked inland to a waterfall. Incredibly lush growth throughout the island. It is volcanic so has steep peaks inland and development is around the edges of the island. Little bird life beyond feral chickens (and noisy roosters) and introduced myna birds, which are equivalent to our starlings. Shon has now obtained his Cook Islands drivers license so we will rent a motorbike at least one day while we are here and explore the island and its beaches at our leisure. We have bought tickets to an Island night - similar to a luau with food and a traditional island dance show.
The weather here is very changeable but always warm. We have had numerous soft showers since we arrived and a couple of short downpours, including one while Shon was running this morning. We are soaked most of the time, but usually from sweat, not rain! The water sure feels good when we jump in the pool or the ocean! Melanie, was it really humid while you were here or is it the time of year?
This morning we ran into a girl from my Centergy class at the gym!! Small world.
All for now. I don't have the connector cords for the camera with me so no photos yet.
Only 5 more days in our holiday! Home late Sunday night.
Love to all
Les and Shon


Melanie said...

SO jealous!

I don't remember it being humid at all - it was hot though. I wonder if it's the time of year? It was actually really windy the first few days we were there and not humid at all (turns out it was an incoming typhoon - thankfully it didn't hit directly). In any event, I spent most of my time IN the lagoon...perhaps that's the secret?

I guess I forgot to warn you to bring ear plugs for the roosters - our accommodations were in the middle of a war between two roosters - the alternative was to capture them and drop them on the other side of the reef.

Enjoy the island night - we went to one at a resort and the dancing was great to see. And a church service is really cool too.

Enjoy your last few days!

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