Friday, October 5, 2012

We're Home!!

We are back once again in sunny, beautiful Vernon.  We have a far greater appreciation for the beauty, the vastness and the friendliness of Canada and the United States but there is no place like home.  We arrived home on Wednesday night, two days earlier than planned - more about that later.

heading to the Rockies, first snow of our trip

We thoroughly enjoyed our day with Megan in Calgary in spite of winter creeping up on us that day.  We started with a brisk walk up Nose Hill to view Calgary from above and ended up getting soaked when the rains came.  Next stop was a warming lunch at a 50s-style diner - good food!  We then headed downtown and walked the windy, chilly streets to the Glenbow Museum and Art Gallery for an interesting look at Fairies and Monsters (art) and the history of Calgary and area.  After an even chillier and windier walk back to the truck, Megan invited us back to her place for dinner and the evening.  Yup, a good day in Calgary.

Emerald Lake
Natural Bridge
Late afternoon on the Rogers Pass

We awoke Wednesday morning to snow on the ground, just a skiff but enough to tell us it was time to get home as our trailer is not winterized.  After morning coffee in Banff and a beautiful stop at Emerald Lake and the Natural Bridge in Yoho Nat'l Park, we thought we would stop for a final night at the Canyon Hot Springs near Revelstoke.  A great idea for our final night on the road but, alas, it was closed for the season.  Instead, we had mediocre Chinese food in Revelstoke then drove home.

A huge thank you to all of you who hosted us for a night or two or ten this summer.  It was great to connect and re-connect with family and friends, to meet new family members and make new friends.  And that concludes our epic trip across Canada.  One hundred eleven days and 21,500 km later, we are home!

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