Tuesday, September 4, 2012

back on the mainland

We are now in New Brunswick and will explore this province a little more before heading across the border to Maine - unless we get blown away or washed away in the storm that is forecast for tomorrow!  Apparently, a low pressure system is loading up with the leftover rain from Hurricane Isaac and heading our way.  I don't suppose it will be a prime day for seeing the scenery.  Oh, well, we shoudn't complain because we have had very few rained out days during our 2 1/2 months of travel so far.
 Not much to say tonight and photos still won't load - haven't done a lot since we caught the ferry back from Newfoundland, just a lot of driving and a few walks - Sackville Marsh (good bird watching) and Fundy National Park today.  Incredible to see the Bay of Fundy tidal areas - so much reddish mud during low tide then full of water at high tide.  Doesn't sound like much until you know that the tides are regularly higher than 35 feet in the Bay of Fundy!
We had lovely sunshine for our drive along Bras d'Or Lake in Nova Scotia a couple of days ago - another beautiful part of  Canada where we could easily have spent more time!
Our days are getting shorter, the evenings are getting chillier and we have  noticed that a few of the trees here are changing to yellow or red.  Wish we were going to be here when the trees are in full colour but it is time to head home before the snow flies!  Will have to see the vibrant fall colours of Eastern Canada another year!

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