Monday, June 18, 2012


I am sitting at the Bear Paw cafe in Jasper while Shon is swimming at the local aquatic centre.  A beautiful sunny morninng (not in the forecast) so I rode from the campsite into town.  The views around here are lovely with so many turquoise lakes and snowy mountains.  It is elk calving time so lots of warning signs about agressive moms protecting their calves.  We have seen quite a few females in and around the area, including in the campground but none with calves - until I saw a herd of elk crossing the highway as I rode into town.  They were about 100 metres away but I did see a few calves.  No moose or bear sightings yet but lots of squirrels and ground squirrels scampering around the picnic table.  Later today we will drive to see Maligne Canyon and Maligne Lake, maybe even put the canoe in if it is not windy. 
We camped at Valemount the first night then drove the short distance to Mt. Robson on Sat.  Never did see the peak of Robson but did have a lovely hike there that afternoon - after a downpour abated. Our destination was the Overlander Falls where I was surprised to see a photo of Catherine (Carolyn?) Schubert, one of Vernon's pioneers and the only woman in the Overlander expedition in 1862, a group who figured they could make it to the gold fields by land, not ocean.

Mt Edith Cavell with storm brewing

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