Sunday, September 28, 2008

greetings from Mareeba

Hello, all, but special birthday greetings to Chris for today (Oz time) and to Jenn for a few days ago. We hope you both have/had special days. We are having a whole heap of special days here - swimming with the tropical fish on the Great Barrier Reef, birdwatching in the rainforest and in the Outback, trying new beer (Shon only! yes, Walt, Coopers is good). We saw a large croc during a Daintree River cruise. We have also seen our first kangaroos - mainly dead on the side of the road but also a few live ones.

Our flights were all on time and our luggage arrived with us - a good start! Our accommodations so far have not been deluxe but have been adequate. We sure enjoyed our dips in the pool at our Port Douglas hostel - humidity is high in the tropics! On the day we drove north to the rainforest (Cape Tribulation), we discovered why it is called a rainforest - we got drenched on a mangrove boardwalk trail!!!!!

This morning, we had a guided tour of some spectacular limestone caves in Chillagoe. Photos to follow.

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