Tuesday, December 1, 2015

snorkelling near Kona

Dec 1, 2015
Yesterday and today, we headed off after breakfast to a beach a couple of km south of our condo.  It is called Kahalu'u Beach Park.  The snorkelling is great there  - lots to see and protected from heavy surf by a natural breakwater at the outer edge of the bay.  It gets a little crowded later in the day so we have gone before 10 each day. 

The last two afternoons, we have driven into town and just browsed, stopping for happy hour or coffee or lunch or dinner as needed (or wanted).  We ate dins at Bubba Gump's last night because they had a deck over the ocean facing the sunset. Of course, for those of you who remember the Forrest Gump movie, Bubba Gump's specializes in shrimp - yum!  Today, three of us had mahi mahi fish tacos for lunch while Shon had a veggie wrap.  More yummy food.  Most of the time, we have been eating here at the condo - lots of fruit and lots of salads.
What have we enjoyed most here? - the aroma of plumeria flowers, the sight of the colourful fish, the taste of passionfruit and dragonfruit and papaya,  the sound of the ocean from our condo, and the warm evening air.

Tomorrow, we move on to Hilo on the east and wet side of the island.  We will have two full days there - Volcanoes Nat'l park one day and waterfalls/hikes/town the other. Friday night is Hilo's Xmas light up so we will go into town for that - stores, etc are open late that evening for the occasion.  

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