Sunday, June 29, 2014

Stockholm, Sweden – June 25
We awoke this  morning as the ship threaded its way through the thousands (literally) of islands and islets that dot the archipelago that protects Stockholm.  It is like sailing the St. Lawrence’s 1000 Islands times 10 or the Gulf Islands times 1000!  Many summer cottages line the rocky shores of the treed islands.  The sun was out and it was a spectacular entrance to the city harbour.  We have been here before and this visit reinforced my love for the city. 
One attraction that we missed in 2010 was the Vasa warship, built in 1628 for a war against Poland.  The first sailing warship designed with 2 rows of cannons, the naval architect failed to fully comprehend the need for a wider base and more ballast to counteract the greater weight.  On her maiden voyage, fully loaded, the Vasa sank in the harbour and stayed there for over 300 years.  Because of the cold northern waters, her timbers were protected from worm damage and, in the 1960s, she was brought to the surface.  The art of reconstructing the pieces was described as the largest jigsaw puzzle ever.  Now, the Vasa sits in a fascinating museum built around her. 98% of what you see is the original ship with only a few new timbers needed.  The carvings and decorations on the ship were extensive and amazing.  In separate displays, there are skeletons of sailors, pieces of their original clothing, their daily objects, cooking pots, pieces of sails, etc.  Truly an interesting visit!!
We then had lunch at an outdoor café in the Old Town (Gamla Stan) and wandered its streets with Wayne and Jo, Wayne and Nancy until it was time to return to the ship. 
We are at sea tomorrow then have a 6 hour, early stop in Copenhagen (7 a.m. – 1 p.m) before our last day at sea and our return to Southampton.

Oops, these are Copenhagen's photos on the Stockholm page - Stockholm's photos will be on the Copenhagen page!

Copenhagen's famous Little Mermaid

Nyhavn, an old canal filled with sailboats and cafes

The new Opera house

A blend of old and new - apartments created from an old boatbuilding shed, now a very expensive address in the city

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