Thursday, November 29, 2012

Family photos, 2012

Chris and Shon at a Blue Jays game

Michelle and Ben at Lake Louise

Dr. Megan and her parents at UBC grad.

Jamie and Derek, left. Colin and Derek, below

Ixtapa, Mexico 

The kids in Disneyland

A great time with Kynnan!

Neko, 4, by Kal Lake, Vernon

Kynnan's soccer

Kynnan, Grade 4 

Colin, 5, and Derek, 18 months
Just had to add these last two which I just received today - Dec 19th, 2012.  Too cute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Les and Shon,

Thanks for your great Christmas card and letter - we wish you all a merry Christmas - Christmas cards just didn't get written in our house this year! It was great to see the photos of your grandchildren and children as an accompaniment to your letter.

We have some exciting news this end - Greg, Ryan and I are coming to Vancouver in July and bringing my parents, Shirley and Peter. In swapping to a new computer, our email addresses have gone astray. Can you email me so we can chat further? Deb