Friday, September 21, 2012

near Mora, Minnesota

Mora, Minnesota is significant to me because it is near the place where my mother's parents' families settled in the late 1800s when they emigrated from the Mora, Sweden region.  My grandmother was born in this area and my grandfather arrived as a young man when his family emigrated.  Some of my ancestors remained in this area when others headed to Alberta in the early 1900s but I don't know what names to look for here - should have done more reading of the family tree before leaving home.  It was interesting to drive through the area and think about what it would have been like for the early settlers as they struggled to tame the land and put in crops to feed them through the winter.  If you want a better understanding of that life, read "The Emigrants' written by a Swede in the 50s, I believe.  I read it years ago but now want to re-read it (or them as I think there was a series of 3 books - can't remember the author)
Folk horses like these (only smaller)have been hand-carved in Mora, Sweden for many years, a craft done during long winters.  This one in Mora, Minnesota, celebrates the heritage of the area's settlers.  I inherited the one my mom had and we brought back some of the smaller Dalacarlia horses for others when we went to Sweden in 2010.
Countryside near Stanchfield, Minnesota, where Grandma was born - and near Mora.  Lots of small lakes and wetlands in the area as well as many fields of corn.
A sample of the fall colours we are seeing.  Such fun to try to snap photos from a moving car!

We stopped at a Staples store yesterday and the fellow there had me try google chrome with this blog and it seemed to work for loading photos - it seems to be working tonight so I will go back and add photos to the last entry.
The fall colours have been marvelous the past two days and the nights have been quite cool - warm and toasty under the covers but chilly when we get up!  Forecast to be 3C overnight tonight.
Tomorrow, we will see the Missisippi River as it runs just west of here - will follow it northwest for a bit then head west once again.  We had a long day of driving yesterday and covered about 650 km - the longest daily distance since we left home!  Must be anxious to see you all again!

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